The Survey

We are currently working on an independent assessment to find out what the characteristics of the rivers and streams are that the Energy East Pipeline would cross. 

Our field work has focussed on Ontario through spring and early summer, and in the late summer and fall, we explored the route from New Brunswick to the tar sands in Alberta. Now we are working east from Edmonton with a target to arrive in North Bay Ontario on 1 November to make a slide presentation to the Ontario Rivers Alliance on what we've found on our Fragile Crossings expedition.

The organisms we focus on — “reptiles” & Amphibians, aquatic macroinvertebrates (mussels, Crayfish & snails), invasive Plants, and terrestrial Molluscs (slugs & snails) — are usually neglected in official site assessments for such enterprises as the Energy East Pipeline, so we decided to use our 'Landscape Art and Science' methods to undertake an environmental assessment of places where the pipeline route crosses streams.  We hope that our reports may serve as a salutary check on the proponent's own EA's (environmental assessments) - and in any event will preserve a record of might be lost if sites along the route were to be "Kalamazooed". 

It is essential in such a Canada-wide assessment for us to be in touch with local groups concerned about the pipeline, and to get Canada-wide public support for selling paintings and afterward, for putting out a book or books of collected blog posts and discussion (see the list of our books). 

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